Wednesday, August 1, 2007

London days

Me learning how to be English again. Lesson 1: drink tea from proper teacup.

Tuya made me a Mongolian potato salad for dinner. It was great and my expression showed my joy. Not surprisingly it was like good potato salad from other countries all over the world.

We took a walk to the most famous of all London parks, Hyde Park. It was full of foreigners like us. But mostly people from the Middle East. It's pleasant for an evening stroll and pretty close to our hotel.

So, I am now in London as you can see. I am staying at the hotel I mentioned in the previous blog. However, the room is a lot smaller than they showed on the website. Naturally, they put photos of their best room on their website. The first room they gave me was really tiny and I have a lot of bags and nowhere to put them, except around the double bed. Also, Tuya my Mongolian friend is staying with me for 2 weeks before she goes back to Mongolia. So it was uncomfortably small for the 2 of us. The next day we moved to a slightly bigger room. But on Thursday we are supposed to be moving to the biggest double room in the hotel. It's on the 5th floor and there are no lifts (elevators), only steep stairs. Great exercise, though. I take every opportunity to use the stairs wherever I am. I got pretty fit in LA in the Hollywood Hills. Don't want to lose that.

Also, we had some problems with the "free internet". Since it's a 5 story tall building, the wireless signal doesn't get to us even on the 4th floor. Finally they solved that today by giving me a wireless router to put in my room. Basically it was 2 days without internet which is not so bad for me, but Tuya has nothing to do, so it was really important to get it working.

Other things I had to do to make life a bit easier in London, were getting me and Tuya "Oyster" travel cards for using the underground (the tube). Getting Tuya a SIM card for her mobile phone,and getting her airline tickets changed for the date she wanted to return. That's was cool because we went to Air China and I got to try a little Chinese on the girl working there. So, generally, I have been very busy.

I am supposed to be looking for a flat to move into in as soon as possible. I haven't done much of that. It's a big hassle to chase around looking at flats during the week. I don't even know where I want to live exactly and London is a big city. Maybe I'll do some flat hunting at the weekend, and then more heavily next week.

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