Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Got Passport and Bag, Next stage is visa application

So, a passport and bag showed up with a courier. It was the right bag, but the wrong passport. Genius! Well, you can't blame them when hardly anybody is going to be able to read an English passport. I insisted they track down my passport the same day -- they were trying to say they'd do it the next day, but I put my foot down.

Well, I was able to finally pick up my passport at the shipping company. The next day I rushed to the police station first to get my resident's permit. Then I went to my company and gave them my passport to get the visa application rolling. It looks like I'll get a 6 month multiple entry work visa at first. I guess that's all right. I may want to travel a few times out of country during the 6 months.


David said...

Congrats on the passport/work visa! Hopefully this means we can meet up near Xmas?? :)

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.